Academic Blogs
April 28, 2021


General features

  • Coronal pulp
  • Radicular pulp
  • Apical foramen
  • Accessory canals
April 28, 2021

Tooth Fracture MCQ

1. Contusion usually result from

a) Cut injury
b) Crush injury
c) Blunt trauma
d) Penetrating injury
April 28, 2021

Epidemiology MCQ

1. Case control studies are also called

a) Retrospective
b) Prospective
c) Prevalence
d) Incidence
April 28, 2021

Tooth Fracture

The Extent of trauma can be assessed by 4 Factors given by Hallet in 1954
  • Energy of Impact
  • Resilience of Impacting Object
  • Shape of Impacting Object
  • Direction of impacting force
April 28, 2021


1. Strength of association between exposure and outcome

a. Relative risk
b. Odds ratio
c. Positive predictive value
d. Risk factor
April 27, 2021

Biostatistics part -2 QA For NEET MDS Exam

(1) Choose the correct formula for the interquartile range.

(a) IQR=Q1-Q2
(b) IQR=Q2-Q4
(c) IQR=Q3-Q1
(d) IQR=Q4-Q1.
April 27, 2021

Biostatistics Part 1 NEET MDS

It is the method of collection, organizing, analyzing, tabulating & interpretation of data related to biological science.
Data: A collective recording of observations either numerical or non numerical.
2 types
April 27, 2021


Bell shaped curve
In normal distribution curve, Mean=Mode=Median
Standard deviation = 1
The shape of normal distribution depends on mean, standard deviation and the number and nature of observation.
Total area of this bell–shaped curve =1
Confidence interval =Mean ± Standard error
April 27, 2021

Natal & Neo Natal MCQ

1. A neonatal child will have age of

a) 10 weeks.
b) 4 weeks
c) 6 weeks.
d) 8 weeks
April 27, 2021


Superficial position of the tooth germs.
Eruption accelerated by febrile incidents or hormonal stimulation.
Hereditary transmission of a dominant autosomal gene.
Osteoblastic activities inside the tooth germ area related to bone remodeling phenomena.
April 26, 2021

Biostatistics Part 1 QA

1. The graphic representation of frequency distribution with X and Y axis is
a) Frequency polygon
b) Histogram
c) Pictogram
d) Pie diagram
April 26, 2021


1) who proposed the operant conditioning theory of child psychology?
a) Pavlov.
b) Skinner
c) Jean Piaget.
d) Sigmund Freud
April 26, 2021

Theories of Child Psychology

Freud believed that personality develops through a series of childhood stages during which the pleasure seeking emergencies of the ID become focused on certain erogenous areas.
December 30, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – General Medicine

December 29, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Oral Pathology

December 24, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – OMR

December 22, 2020


Amino acids are considered to be the monomers of proteins. Structurally, they consist of an amino group (-NH2), a carboxylic group (-COOH) (hence the name) along with a side chain (-R) specific to each amino acid. They can be classified based on the differences in their side chains into aliphatic, aromatic, sulphur containing, acidic, basic etc.
December 19, 2020
MDS Preparation MCQ

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Physiology

Movement of substances against the chemical, electrical or electrochemical gradient.
Also called uphill transport and active pump mechanism.
Requires energy which is obtained mainly by breakdown of ATP. Also needs a carrier protein.
December 18, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – PHD

Sodium fluoride (NaF) was the first fluoride compound to be used for topical application. The first clinical study was started by Bibby in 1941 using a 0.1% aqueous NaF solution. In 1942 Knutson applied a 2% aqueous NaF solution for 3 minutes, he suggested that the series of applications should be carried out at the age 3,7,11 and 13 years to coincide with the eruption of teeth and a caries reduction of 30%.
December 16, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – OMR

An abnormally enlarged tongue is one that protrudes beyond the teeth or the alveolar ridge in the resting position.
Broadly categorized as true and pseudomacroglossia.
True macroglossia associated with histological abnormalities and pseudo where the enlargement is apparent.
December 16, 2020
MDS Preparation MCQ

NEET MDS EXAM Preparation – Dental Anatomy

Two or three weeks after the rupture of the buccopharyngeal membrane, when the embryo is about 6 weeks old, certain areas of basal cells of the oral ectoderm proliferate more rapidly than do the adjacent areas.
December 16, 2020
MDS Preparation MCQ

NEET MDS EXAM Preparation – Theories of Occlusion

Monson’s Spherical Theory of Occlusion:

G.S. Monson proposed this theory in 1918, based on the observations of natural teeth and skulls. According to this theory, the anteroposterior and mesiodistal inclines of the artificial teeth should be arranged in harmony with a spherical surface.
December 15, 2020

NEET MDS Exam preparation – Human Anatomy

A triangular area bonded with an apex opposite to medial angles of eyes and nose,and the base formed by the upper lip
Drained by the facial nerve
Communication with cavernous sinus
December 15, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Pedodontics

Synonym: Broadbent phenomenon

[divider height="10"] This is a transient or self-correcting malocclusion and is seen in the maxillary incisor region between 8-10 years, late mixed dentition stage, during the eruption of permanent canine.
December 15, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Biochemistry


Pentose phosphate pathway
Dickens Horecker pathway
Phosphogluconate pathway
Shunt pathway
December 15, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Pharmacology

Penicillin was the first antibiotic developed and used clinically which was discovered accidentally by alexander fleming. The source of penicillin is the high yielding penicillin chrysogeneum
December 12, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Physiology

Red Blood Corpuscles: Diameter- 6.9-7.4µ Thickness- 2.2µ at the periphery,1µ centrally Surface area- 140sq µ Volume- 85-90cu µ
December 12, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation – Oral Pathology

Micrognathia- Small jaw, affecting the mandible or maxilla True micrognathia- A congential defect wherein there is an abnormal positioning of the jaw...
December 12, 2020

NEET MDS Exam Preparation- Oral Histology

Dentin: It is the first formed hard tissue. It is slightly harder than bone, softer than enamel. It is resilient and viscoelastic in nature and thus prevents the.....