A wedge is a piece of wood, metal, or other material with a sharply angled border created by double covering surfaces that is used to tighten or impart tension in a variety of ways.
Functions of wedges
- Prevents gingival extrusion of restorative material
- Defines gingival range of contact area
- Creates partition to make up for band thickness
- A traumatic retraction of rubber dam along with gingiva
Piggy back wedging
- When the wedge is substantially high to the gingival border, a smaller wedge is piggybacked in addition to the first
- This approach is useful in patients with interproximal tissue level recession

Double wedging:
- For wide proximal restorations, two wedges were employed, one from the lingual and the other from the face embrasure.

Wedge wedging:
- A second sharpened wedge is kept between the first and second wedges and the band if there is a concavity on the proximal surface