It is an in vitro growth of cells although the cells proliferate they do not organize into tissue.
It is a culture of a single cell species, without presence of any contaminants.
Refers to cultures prepared from tissues taken directly from animals.
It refers to a subculture derived from a primary culture.
It refers to the culture which is grown on a medium, usually agar or gelatin, on a Petri dish.
It refers to the culture one in which the medium is inoculated by drawing an infected wire across it.
It refers to a culture in which cells multiply while suspended in a suitable medium.
This culture is made on the surface of solidified medium in a tube which has been tilted to provide a greater surface area for growth.
In this culture, the medium is inoculated by thrusting a needle deep into its substance.
It refers to the culture in which maintenance or growth of tissue, organ primordia, or the whole or part of an organ in vitro is done so as to preserve its architecture and function.
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