The result for NEET-MDS 2023 will be declared by 31st March 2023. The result shall be available at NBEMS website and
The eligibility criteria for participation in counseling towards allotment of MDS seats conducted by DGHS or State Counseling Authority shall be in accordance with MDS Course Regulations, 2017 notified by DCI with prior approval of MoHFW, Govt. of India.
General/EWS |
50th Percentile |
SC/ST/OBC (Including PWD of SC/ST/OBC) |
40th Percentile |
45th Percentile |
- Provided further that when the number of qualifying candidates in the respective categories on the basis of the above mentioned percentile are less than three times the number of vacancies, the cut-off percentile will be automatically lowered in such a manner that the number of eligible candidates shall be minimum three times the number of seats in each respective category
- There shall be NO re-evaluation or rechecking or re-totaling of responses marked by the candidates. Requests/Queries for re-evaluation/retotaling shall not be entertained.
- The validity of the result of NEET-MDS 2023 shall be only for the admission session 2023-24.
In the event of two or more candidates obtaining same score, the merit position shall be determined using following tie breaker criteria in descending order:
Candidate having lesser number of incorrect responses in the overall paper (Part A & B) will be placed at better merit position.
Candidate obtaining higher score in Part B of the question paper will be placed at better merit position
Candidate having lesser number of incorrect responses in Part B of the question paper will be placed at better merit position
Older candidate will be placed at better merit position.
NEET-MDS 2023 rank: This is the overall merit position of the candidate amongst all the candidates who have appeared in the NEET MDS 2023
- All India 50% quota rank: This is the overall merit position of the candidate amongst all the candidates who have appeared in the NEETMDS 2023 and are eligible for All India 50% quota counseling and is valid only for All India 50% quota MDS Courses (2023-24 admission session)
- All India 50% quota Category Rank: This is the overall merit position of the candidate in the category (OBC/SC/ST/EWS) as opted by the candidate in the NEET– MDS 2023 amongst the candidates of the same category who are eligible for All India 50% quota counseling and is valid only for All India 50% quota MDS Courses.
- Only those candidates will be eligible to participate in the All India 50% quota counseling for 2023-24 admission session who fulfill the eligibility criteria provided by the designated counseling authority for All India 50% Quota seats.
- Candidates securing less than 50th percentile (40th in case of SC/ST/OBC, including PWD of SC/ST/OBC and 45th in case of UR PWD candidates) in NEETMDS 2023 will not be considered for admission to MDS courses and no merit position or rank shall be given to such candidates.
- In order to be eligible for admission to Postgraduate Dental Course for an academic year, it shall be necessary for a person with benchmark disabilities as specified under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, to score the minimum marks of 45th percentile for General Category and 40th percentile for SC/ST/OBC in the National Eligibilitycum-Entrance Test (NEET-MDS).
- State quota seats in all Dental Institutions in a State and seats in institutions established by State Govt., Universities established by an Act of State/Union Territory Legislature, Municipal Bodies Trust, Society, Company or Minority Institutions shall be filled by utilizing the merit list of NEET-MDS. No State government/private medical college/ universities shall be conducting any entrance exam at their own level
- NBEMS shall be providing only the data of candidates and their marks in NEET-MDS 2023 to the State Government/Counseling Authority, through DGHS, GoI, without applying eligibility criteria, reservation criteria etc of the concerned states. State quota rank, state category rank, benefit for In-service candidates, rural posting (if applicable) etc shall be determined/ generated by the designated agency/authority of the concerned States/UTs/concerned authority as per applicable Regulations, eligibility criteria, guidelines and applicable reservation policies.
- NBEMS shall not be preparing the merit list for any State quota seats / Private Dental College / Universities.
- Different states have different eligibility criteria and reservation policies. State Government / Counseling authorities are requested to create their own application forms customized to their requirements to determine the eligibility of the candidates for opting for seats in the concerned state based on their eligibility criteria, reservation policies, benefit to in-service candidates, benefit to candidates who have undergone rural / difficult area postings..
- NBEMS does not verify the information provided by the candidates during online submission of application form and hence candidature will be purely provisional subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Information Bulletin for NEET-MDS 2023 & criteria of State/Universities/ Institutions concerned
- Candidates must verify from the respective State Government/UTs if at all they will be considered for admission to State Quota Post Graduate seats/ Institute Pool based on applicable Regulation and/or domicile criteria, State/Institute of Graduation, reservation policy etc. Merely appearing/passing in NEET-MDS 2023 does not make a candidate qualified and/or eligible for State Quota Seats/ admission to Private Universities & Institutes.