1. A child came with moderate to severe intellectual disability came for treatment. How will you manage the patient
Tell -show-do
Moderate to severe sedation
2. 4-5 years child produces
Sibilants are fricative consonants of higher amplitude and pitch, made
by directing a stream of air with the tongue towards the teeth.
Examples of sibilants are the consonants at the beginning of
the English words sip, zip, ship, and genre.
Speech sounds formed between the lower lip and the upper central
incisors, as in the fricatives /f/ and /v/, but rarely with the upper lip
touching the lower front teeth.
The former is a voiceless labio-dental fricative (e.g., fan) and the latter a
voiced labio-dental fricative (e.g., van).
The English bilabial sounds are [p], [b], and [m].
Possible to make bilabial fricatives by not closing the lips completely and
leaving an opening narrow enough to cause turbulent airflow.
Linguo Palatal Sounds (Anterior Palate):
The Linguo Palatal Sounds are “C (soft), D, T, N,Z and R”
Produced by: When the tip of the tongue contacts the anterior portion of
the palate or the lingual side of anterior teeth.
“S” sounds produced by the position of the tongue so that air stream
released through a small gap between tongue and rugae, “S” will sound as
“SH” when anterior teeth are anterioposteriorly displaced.
Linguo Palatal Sounds (Posterior):
The Linguo Palatal Sounds are “I, R, J, CH and SH”
Produced by: When the tongue forms a valve when it contacts the palate
and the release of air helps in producing these sounds
Linguo Palatal sounds (Soft Palate) also called as “Velar Sounds”
The linguo palatal sounds are “C (hard), K, G, NG”
Produced by: When the tongue forms a valve similar to the other linguo
palatal sounds but posteriorly than the others.
True Palatal Sounds:
True Palatal Sounds are YEAR, SHE, VISION
Produced by: The tongue does not come in contact with the palate the
sounds is produced by the tongue and Palate coming close together but
not touching at any point.
Linguodental sounds
Consonant Th is representative of the linguodental group of sounds
Dental sounds are made with the tip of the tongue extending slightly
between the upper and lower anterior teeth.
Sound is actually made closer to the alveolus (the ridge) than to the tip of
the teeth.
Careful observation of the amount of tongue that can be seen with the
words - this, that, these and those will provide information as to the labiolingual position of the anterior teeth.
3. last sound developed in child
4. IDAP Bangkok classification is
Severe ECC
Nursing bottle caries
Rampant caries
The international dental community came together to draft and publish
the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD) Bangkok.
Declaration on Early Childhood Caries, which provides an internationally
accepted definition of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) and proposes
recommendations to prevent this disease worldwide.
The Declaration was recently published in Pediatric Dentistry and
the Journal of Dentistry for Children.
The purpose of the Declaration is to gain worldwide support for an
evidence-based definition and a common understanding of the evidence
around the etiology, risk factors, and interventions to reduce ECC, as well
as to mobilize collaborative approaches and policies to diminish this
chronic disease.
Four principle recommendations
To reduce the prevalence and burden of ECC worldwide, the IAPD
Bangkok Declaration recommends the following actions:
Raise awareness of ECC with parents/caregivers, dentists, dental
hygienists, physicians, nurses, health professionals, and
other stakeholders.
Limit sugar intake in foods and drinks and avoid free sugars for children
under 2 years of age.Perform twice-daily tooth brushing with fluoridated
toothpaste (at least 1000 ppm) in all Children, using an age‐appropriate
amount of paste.
Provide preventive guidance within the first year of life by a health
professional or community health worker (building on existing
programs—e.g., vaccinations—where possible) and ideally, referral to a
dentist for comprehensive continuing care.
5. First sound develops in children
B,p and m are representatives of the bilabial group of sounds.
Formed by the stream of air coming from the lungs which meets with no
resistance along its entire path until it reaches the lip.