1. The importance of proximal caries in deciduous 1st molar for an orthodontist
a. Reduction in arch length due to growth of mandible
b. Loss of arch length
c. Class I occlusion
d. Flush terminal plane malocclusion
2. Maximum upper lip thickness is seen at what age in males
a. 10 year
b. 16 year
c. 18 year
d. 21 year
The upper lip in girls reaches its maximum thickness by age 14 and remains that
way until age 16; whereas in males it does not reach maximum thickness until
16. Thereafter the lips of both sexes begin the slow and inexorable process of
thinning throughout the rest of the lifespan
3. A 3year old child suffered traumatic lateral luxation injury to his upper
central incisor the tooth is not mobile and does not interfere in occlusion what
and does not interfere un occlusion what should be done
a. Reposition the tooth and splint
b. Reduce the affected tooth
c. Reduce both the affected and the opposite tooth
d. Wait and watch
4. In a mouth breather tonicity of upper lips is
a. Increased
b. Decreased
c. Slightly affected
d. No chance
Some characteristics are commonly found in mouth breathers, such as
- Habitual semi-opened lips position,
- Low-lying tongue position,
- Hyper function of the mental muscle during lip occlusion,
- Eversion of the lower lip,
- Cheek symmetry,
- Possibility of lip occlusion,
- Altered dental occlusion, and altered hard palate
5. Facial profile of a child with a habit of thumb sucking
a. Convex and long face
b. Convex and short face
c. Convex and short face
d. Concave and long face
Effect of thumb sucking
Clinical finding effects on maxilla
- Increased proclination of the maxillary incisors
- Increased maxillary arch length.
- Increased anterior placement of apical base of maxilla.
- Increased clinical crown of maxilla.
- Decreased palatal arch width
- Increased atypical root resorption in primary central incisor.
- Increased trauma to maxillary cenrtal incisor
Effects on mandible on interarch relationship
- Retroclination of mandibular incisors.
- Retruded mandible oIncreased overjet
- Decreased overbite
- Increased posterior crossbite
- Increased lip incompetence
- Increased lower lip function under maxillary incisors
Effects on tongue placement and function other effects
- Increased tongue thrust.
- Increased lip to tongue resting position.
- Increased lower tongue position
- Risk to psychologic health
- Increased deformation of digits
- Increased risk of speech defects
Dentoalveolar structures
- Flared and proclined maxillary anteriors with diastemas and retroclined mandibular anteriors.
- Chances of buccal crossbite
Extra oral examination digits
- Digit-reddened, cleaned chapped and with short finger nail- clean dishpan thumb.
- Fibrous callus on superior aspect of finger
- Upper lip-short and hypotonic
- Note the position of lip at rest and during swallowing –together or appart
Facial form
- maxillary protrusion.
- mandibular retrusion.
- Facial profile is either straight or convex