1. Which histopathological type of odontogenic keratocyst is commoner, more invasive & has a greater tendency for recurrence ?
A. Orthokeratinised
B. Parakeratinised
C. Non-Keratinised
D. Diskeratinised
• The epithelial lining is uniformly thin, generally ranging from 8 to 10 cell layers thick.
• The basal layer exhibits a characteristic palisaded pattern with polarized and intensely stained nuclei of uniform diameter. The luminal epithelial cells are parakeratinized and produce an uneven or corrugated profile.
• budding of the basal cells into the C.T wall and microcyst formation.
• The fibrous connective tissue component of the cyst wall is often free of inflammatory cell infiltrate and is relatively thin.
2. Which of the following is wrong about keratocyst:
A. Has low recurrence rate
B. Has low protein content
C. High recurrence rate
D. B and C
3. A multilocular cyst of the jaw is more likely:____?
A. Dental cyst
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Keratocyst
D. Simple bone cyst
Answer: C
4. The cyst with highest recurrence rate is:_____?
A. Keratocyst
B. Periapical cyst
C. Nasoalveolar cyst
D. Globulamaxilary cyst
Answer: A
5. The most ideal explanation for recurrence of odontogenic keratocyst is:____?
A. Increased mitotic activity of the epithelial lining
B. Friability of the epithelial lining
C. Presence of satellite cysts or daughter cysts
D. Continued proliferation of rests of dental lamina
Answer: C
6. Odontogenic keratocyst has the following feature:____?
A. Occurs due to infection periapically
B. Is developmental in origin
C. Can be treated by aspiration
D. Has low recurrence rate
Answer: B
There is general agreement that OKCs develop from dental lamina remnants in the mandible and maxilla. However, an origin of this cyst from extension of basal cells of the overlying oral epithelium has also been suggested.
7. Which one of the following is the most common site for the occurrence of a keratocyst?
A .Anterior mandible
B. Anterior maxilla
C. Maxillary antrum
D. Posterior mandible
Answer: D.
While odontogenic keratocysts can occur anywhere in the jaws and may involve the maxillary antrum later, the posterior mandible is the most common site for their development.
8. Multiple odontogenic keratocyst are associated with:____?
A. Gardner’s syndrome
B. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
C. Goldenhar’s syndrome
D. Grinspan syndrome
Answer: B
Syndromes associated with multiple okc
• Nevoid Basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS)
• Gorlingoltz syndrome
• Marfans syndrome
• Ehlers danlosdanlos syndrome
• Noonans syndrome
• Orofacial digital syndrome
• Simpsongolabi-behmel syndrome
9. A 50-year-old male patient presents with a radiolucent lesion in his left posterior mandible. An incisional biopsy confirms the diagnosis of an odontogenic keratocyst. Which one of the following is most important factor when planning treatment for this lesion?
A. High recurrence rate
B .Intra operative bleeding
C. Malignant transformation
D .Risk of facial nerve damage
Answer: A.
Odontogenic keratocysts have a thin friable lining and are notorious for a high recurrence rate.
10. A 40-year-old male patient presents with a mild bony swelling in his right mandibular angle region. His lower right first and second mandibular molars are erupted and apparently disease free. Radiographs demonstrate a multilocular radiolucency measuring 3 × 2 cm in the anteroposterior direction. There is no evidence of an un erupted tooth in the area. Needle aspiration of the lesion yields a white cheesy fluid. Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A .Dentigerous cyst
B .Gingival cyst of the adult
C .Lateral periodontal cyst
D .Odontogenic keratocyst
Answer: D.
Keratocyst may be associated with a missing tooth and often contains a white cheesy fluid. The other cysts are associated with teeth and appear unilocular.
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