Synonym: Broadbent phenomenon
This is a transient or self-correcting malocclusion and is seen in the maxillary incisor region between 8-10 years, late mixed dentition stage, during the eruption of permanent canine.
1. Maxillary midline diastema.
2. Distal tilting & flaring of incisor crowns.
Crowns of cuspids impinge on developing roots of lateral incisors causing the crowns to flare laterally. This force transmitted to roots of central incisors causing distal divergence of crown and midline diastema.
As canine descend, a force from the roots of lateral incisors on the crown divergence is corrected with the closure of midline diastema.
If the path of eruption of cuspids exceeds normal range there is impingement of incisor roots leading to resorption of roots and insufficient growth and intercuspid arch width.