Penicillin was the first antibiotic developed and used clinically which was discovered accidentally by alexander fleming. The source of penicillin is the high yielding penicillin chrysogeneum
Moa- b lactams, a structural analogue of d alanine, inhibits transpeptidase and thus peptidoglycans synthesis..thus cell wall defficient forms are produced
Uses -
1. Most commonly used antibiotic in dentistry since it comes under wide spectrum classification (both aerobic and anaerobic)
2. In general medicine
B - Respiratory tract infection
C - Meningitis
D - Gonorrhoea
E - Typhoid
F- Cholecystitis
G - Subacute endocarditis
H - Septicemias
Adverse drug reactions: Hypersensitivity reaction ( ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK ) includes ( bronchospasm, chest pain, itching, urticaria, fever, rash etc)