Dental surveyor :- is an instrument used to determine the relative parallelism of two or more surfaces of the teeth or other parts of dental arch.
The primary purpose of surveying is to plan those modifications of oral structures necessary to fabricate a removable partial denture.
The most widely used is Ney surveyor because of it's simplicity and durability
Few examples are
Jelenko surveyor
Ney surveyor
Ney surveyor
Path of insertion | Path of displacement |
The path followed by the denture from its first contact with the teeth until it is fully seated. This path coincides with the path of withdrawal and may or may not coincide with the path of displacement . There may be a single path or multiple paths of insertion. | This is the direction in which the denture tends to be displaced in function. The path is variable but is assumed for the purpose of design to be at right angles to the occlusal plane. |
“A line encircling a tooth and designating its greatest circumference at a selected axial position determined by a dental surveyor.” GPT definition
Ney surveyor
Portion of tooth that converges above the height of contour is called SUPRABULGE while the portion of tooth that converges apically from the height of contour is called INFRABULGE.
“Vertically parallel surfaces on the abutment teeth oriented so as to contribute the direction of the path of placement and removal of removable partial denture” – GPT definition
A line produced on a cast by a surveyor marking the greatest prominence of
contour in relation to the planned path of placement of restoration” –GPT
Blatterfein divided the abutment tooth into two halves by a vertical line through
the centre of the tooth.The area adjacent to the edentulous space was termed as
near zone and the other area was called as far zone
Survey lines are classified as MEDIUM , DIAGONAL, HIGH and LOW
Ney surveyor
MEDIUM SURVEY LINE | Passes through middle third of tooth in near zone and gingival third in the far zone |
DIAGONAL SURVEY LINE | Passes from near the occlusal third of the tooth in near zone to the gingival third in the far zone |
HIGH SURVEY LINE | Placed in occlusal third in both near and far zones |
LOW SURVEY LINE | Placed in the gingival third of both near and far zones |
It is elimination of undesirable undercut on master cast before duplication.
Area of block out:
Is the reduction or elimination of undesirable pressure or force from specific area.
Area of relief :
In short
1- Orientation of cast |
2- Cast tilting |
3- Visual analysis using analysing rod |
4- Marking of survey lines /soft tissue undercuts using carbon markers |
5- Undercut gauges used to measure amount of available retention |
6- Interferences |
7- Wax Trimmers |
8- Tripoding of casts |
Surveying procedure;
This may be divided into the following distinct phases:
An RPD can be created on a cast which has been surveyed with the occlusal plane horizontal (i.e. so that the path of placement equals the path of displacement).
Still, there are times when tilting of the cast is indicated so that the paths of insertion and displacement vary. Before deciding if the cast should be turned for the final survey the graphite marker in the dental surveyor is changed for an analyzing rod so that various positions of the cast can be examined without marking the teeth.
Following aspects, in last survey with the cast tilted, are considered:
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