a) Diltiazem
b) Aspirin s
c) Enalapril
d) Clopidogrel
2. Commonest congenital heart disease is:
a) Mitral valve prolapse
b) Atrial septal defect
c) Ventricular septal defect
d) Persistent ductus arteriosus
3. Waiting chamber of heart is:
a) Left ventricle
c) Right auricle
b) Right ventricle
d) Left auricle
4. Most common heart valve involved in IV drug use
a) Mitral
b) Aortic
c) Tricuspid
d) Pulmonary
5. Endocarditis is most commonly seen in:
a) MS
b) MR
c) TS
d) PS
6. Most important drug used in the treatment of coronary artery disease is –
a) Aspirin
b) Digoxin
c) Streptokinase
d) Nifedipine
7. In congestive cardiac failure all are used except-
a) Spironlactone
b) Nitrates
c) Nesiritidest
d) Trimetazidine
8. Which of the following is used to control hypertension emergencies?
a) Diazoxide
b) Hydralazine
c) Nitroglycerine
d) Sodium nitropruside9. Atheros
9. clerosis is inversely proportional to:
a) LDL level
b) VLDL level
c) Chylomicron level
d) HDL level
10. Digoxin causes all except:
a) Increases HR
b) Increases cardiac output
c) Decreases peripheral resistance
d) Decreases heart size
Answer with explanation
Common side effects of Enlapril which is a Angiotensin convertor enzyme inhibitor prescribed in hypertensive and congestive heart failure patients are: Dry irritating cough-then the drug should be stopped and an alternate medicine is needed. Blurred eyesight, dizziness, headache Abdominal pain, diarrhoea
3. C
4. C
Tricuspid is the most common heart valve involved in IV drug abuse. After a septic abortion, infective endocarditis mostly affects tricuspid valve.
Endocarditis tends to occur in: High pressure areas (left side of heart). In patients with valvular incompetence than in those with pure stenosis.
Trimetazidine is a novel antianginal agent that is used mostly as add on medication to con
ventional therapy in angina and post M.I. patients”.
Hypertensive urgency is defined as marked elevation of blood pressure without end organ damage. Hypertensive emergency is defined as marked elevation of blood pressure with end organ damage. No fixed BP value is taken, but a DBP > 120 and SBP > 220 is taken as arbitrarily.
Drugs used:
Diuretics – furosemide
9. D.
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