At therapeutic doses , Asipirin can cause hyperuricemia by decreasing the excretion of uricacid it,therefore , should not be used in patients with gout it also degreases the uricosuric action of probenecid at high does (>5g/d ) , increases the excreation of uric acid , but such high does are not tolerated
- Aspirin is contraindicated in children (<12 yrs old ) due to increase risk of Reye’s syndrome, which is a type of encephalopathy
- Aspirin is contraindicated in children (<12 yrs old ) due to increase risk of Reye’s syndrome, which is a type of encephalopathy
- It should be avoided in diabetics because of risk of hypoglycemia
- It should be avoided in pregnancy beacuse it may be responsible for low birth weight babies ,how ever it does not cause congenitcal malformations.
- Should not be used in patients with gout as it decreases the uricosuric action of probenicid, It also decreases the tubular secretion of uric acid, ie decreases the secretion of uric acid from blood to renal tubule, thus increases the blood level of uric acid
Symptoms of aspirin poisoning
- At anti-inflammatory dose ( 3-6 gm / day) produces the syndrome called salicylism comprising of dizziness , tinnitus , vertigo , experimemt , mental confution , reversible impairmemt of hearin
- The does has to be titarated to one which is just below the produces these symptoms , tinnitus is a good guide
- Fatal dose in adult is 15 -30 g but considerably lower in children.
Q. True statements regarding aspirin toxicity are
A) Tinnitus is an early symptom
B) 10-30g causes poisoning
C) Hyperthermia, tachypnea are early complications
D) Causes thrombcytopenic purpura
E) Children can tolerate much higher dose than adults
Ans; A & B