Academic Blogs
November 1, 2021
INI CET 2022 Syllabus has been released by AIIMS

INI CET 2022 Syllabus for MDS Courses

INI CET 2022 Syllabus has been rel eased by AIIMS on the official website of AIIMS at
August 7, 2021
Parkinson’s Disease mcqs

Parkinson’s Disease – MCQs

1. Parkinson disease is marked by a lack of which chemical in the brain? A. Serotonin B. GABA C. Dopamine D. Norepinephrine
August 7, 2021

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease , is named after James Parkinson who in 1817 wrote a classic “shaking palsy”a disease for which the reason is still unknown .
August 6, 2021

Leukemia – MCQs

1. WBC count of more than 1,00,000cells/cc of blood indicates A. Leukopenia B. Leukoplakia C. Leukocytosis D. Leukemia
August 5, 2021


Leukemia is mainly of 4 types: 1. Acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) 2. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) 3. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) 4. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
August 5, 2021

Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis – MCQs

1.The condition associated with the highest risk of developing infective endocarditis (IE) is A) Mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation....
August 4, 2021

Endocrinology – MCQs

1. Which of the following factors determine whether a patient develops acromegaly or gigantism A. Sex B. Age at onset of the tumor C. Amount of available calcium D. Degree of function of the tumour
August 4, 2021

Coronary Artery Disease – MCQs

1.A cardiac patient must be asked to stop one of the following drugs when he is coughing a lot a) Diltiazem b) Aspirin s c) Enalapril d) Clopidogrel
August 3, 2021


Growth hormone hypersecretion occuring before epiphyses have fused results in gigantism while GH excess after epiphyseal closure results in
August 3, 2021
Coronary Artery Diseas

Coronary Artery Disease

• Damage or disease in the heart's major blood vessels. • The usual cause is the build-up of plaque. This causes coronary arteries to narrow, limiting blood flow to the heart.
August 2, 2021

Hepatitis – MCQs

All of the following infections may be transmitted by dental instruments except a) HIV b) hepatitis C c) Hepatitis B d) Hepatitis E
August 2, 2021


Systemic disease Characterized by inflammation and necrosis of hepatic cells. Three phases of hepatitis PRE-ICTERIC: (ALSO CALLED PRODROMAL
July 31, 2021

Non Carious Lesions – MCQs

1. PATHOLOGICAL wearing of tooth structure from external abnormal mechanical processes, not occlusion often tooth brushing, objects b/w teeth A. Abfraction B. Erosion C. Abrasion D. Attrition
July 31, 2021

Non Carious Lesions

EROSION  This is the loss of tooth substance by a non- bacterial chemical process. ETIOLOGY
July 30, 2021

Pin Retained Restorations – MCQs

1.All are required for the satisfactory bonding of an amalgam restoration in a badly broken molar except a. Resistance form b. Mechanical retention c. Enamel and dentine conditioning d. Pin retention
July 30, 2021

Pin Retained Restorations

• Defined as any restoration which requires the placement of one or more pins in dentin to provide to adequate resistance and retention form to the restoration. • It has a greater retention than those using boxes or bonding system.
July 29, 2021

Instrumentation – MCQs

1. Which of the following instruments will have a four number formula A. Ordinary hatchet B. GMT C. Jeffery hatchet
July 28, 2021


Nomenclature and classification of hand instruments is given by GV Black. Metals used in the manufacturing of hand instruments are made of two types of steel- carbon steel and stainless steel.
July 28, 2021

Cavity Preparation – MCQs

1.Toilet of cavity is: A. Removal of debris by washing with H2O. B. Removal of debris by cold air spray. C. Removal of debris by hot air spray. D. Washing the cavity with soap solution.
July 28, 2021

Cavity Preparation

It is mechanical alteration of a defective ,injured or diseased tooth to receive a restorative material that re-establish the health state for tooth including its esthetics, normal form and function
July 27, 2021
Seperators and Matrices

Seperators and Matrices – MCQs

1. Universal matrix band retainer is also known as A. Ivory 8 retainer B. Tofflemire retainer C. Sequiland retainer D. None of the above
July 27, 2021

Seperators and Matrices

Seperators And Matrices Separation of the teeth is necessary to restore a proper contact. The two types of separation are:
July 26, 2021
bleaching- MCQ

Bleaching – MCQs

1.Night guard bleaching refers to A. Laser activated bleaching B. Dentist prescribed home applied technique C. Thermo bleaching D. Photobleaching
July 26, 2021
bleaching - NEETMDS Entrance Coaching


The lightening of the colour of a tooth through the application of a chemical agent to oxidise the organic pigmentation in the tooth is referred to as bleaching- sturdevant
July 23, 2021

Shock – MCQs

1. Shock (mean BP less than 60 mmHg) can be caused by: A. Low intravascular volume B. Low cardiac output C. Pleural effusion D. Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
July 22, 2021


TYPES OF SHOCK 1- Cardiogenic shock: due to acute heart failure, myocardial infarction, anaesthesia, cardiac arrest, arrhythmias …..etc
July 22, 2021
Arterial and Venous Disorders

Arterial and Venous Disorders -MCQs

1. Intermittent claudation is caused by A. Venous occlusion B. Arterial insufficiency C. Neural compression D. Muscular dystrophy
July 22, 2021
Arterial And Venous Disorders

Arterial and Venous Disorders

BUERGER'S DISEASE Arterial occlusive disease mainly affecting lower limbs Occurs in men from 20-40years and in smokers Characterised by gangrene of the toes and fingers and corrugation of femoral arteries
July 21, 2021

Burns – MCQs

1. A patient of burn should be given A. 5% dextrose B. Hypertonic saline 0.9% C. Dextrose saline D. Human albumin 4.5%
July 20, 2021


A burn is a wound in which there is coagulative necrosis of the tissue. Types of burns; ● Ordinary burn caused by dry heat
July 20, 2021
Ludwig's Angina

Ludwig’s Angina – MCQs

1.Tracheostomy will a) Increase dead air space b) Increase respiratory resistance c) Decrease respiratory work d) Cause obstruction in respiration
July 19, 2021

Ludwig’s Angina

It is a serious, potentially life threatening infection of neck and the floor of the mouth.(Rapidly progressing polymicrobial cellulitis of the sublingual and submandibular spaces.) Some […]
July 19, 2021
NEET mds

Ulcer- MCQs

1.Undermined ulcer this present in a) Syphilis b) Tuburculosis c) Basal cell carcinoma d) Hodgkin’s lymphoma
July 18, 2021


An ulcer is a break in the continuity of the covering epithelium-skin or mucous membrane
July 18, 2021

Aggressive Periodontitis – MCQs

1. The bacteria detected in localized aggressive periodontitis are: A. Borreliavincenti, medium size spirochetes. B. Fusiformis, Tanerellaforsythus. C. Actinobacillusactinomycetemcomitans, capnocytophaga
July 18, 2021

Aggressive Periodontitis

Aggressive periodontitis refers to the multifactorial,severe,&rapidly progressive form of periodontitis,which is primarily but not exclusively affects younger patients.
July 17, 2021

Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty- MCQs

1. Gingivectomy a) Removes supra gingival pockets b) Removes enlargements c) Removes supragingival abscess d) ALL
July 16, 2021

Gingivectomy & Gingivoplasty

Gingivectomy Excision of gingiva by removing the deceased pocket wall thereby exposing tooth surface which provides the visibility and access ability that are essential for the complete removal of irritating surface deposits and thorough smoothening of the roots.
July 16, 2021

Implants – MCQs

.Inflammatory changes in the soft tissue surrounding an implant is diagnosed as a) peri implant gingivitis b) peri implantitis c) peri- implant mucositis d) Peri-implantosis
July 16, 2021


A “root replica” or a “root form” implant is a titanium fixture inserted in the jaw to act as a tooth root and anchors a restoration (single crown, bridge, or denture). The final restoration looks, feels, & functions like a natural tooth.
July 15, 2021


1. Bone loss associated with trauma from occlusion is; A. notching B. vertical C. horizontal D. cystic
July 14, 2021

Trauma from Occlusion

Orban and Glickman et al (1968): truma from occlusion is defined as when occlusal forces exceed the adaptive capacity of the periodontal tissues , the tissue injury results. This resultant injury is termed as trauma from occlusion.
July 14, 2021

Pocket – MCQs

A periodontal pocket of 6mm deep lying coronal to the junctional epithelium is A. Infrabony pocket B. Periodontal pocket C. True pocket D. Pseudo pocket
July 13, 2021


Pocket depth is the distance between gingival margin to the base of the pocket (or coronal end of junctional epithelium). Pocket depth of 6mm means distance between gingival margin and base of sulcus is 6mm
July 13, 2021


1. Gingival swelling most commonly A. Causes increase in stippling of attached gingiva B. Results from inflammatory oedema C. Associated with gingival recession D. Results from tetracycline therapy
July 13, 2021
Gingival Enlargement

Gingival Enlargement

The many types of gingival enlargement can be classified according to aetiologic factors and pathologic changes as follows:
July 12, 2021

Gingivitis – MCQs

1. Most common periodontal disease is A. Gingivitis B. Periodontitis C. Gingival hypertrophy D. Juvenile periodontitis
July 12, 2021


Gingivitis is the most common form of gingival disease. - Only some cases of gingivitis progress to periodontitis - About 90% of population is affected by gingivitis by the time they cross their puberty
July 10, 2021
Oral mucosa membrane

Oral Mucosa Membrane – MCQs

1. Stratum granulosum is not present in a) Hyper orthokeratosis b) Hyper parakeratosis c) Non keratinized epithelium d) Sulcular epithelium
July 10, 2021

Oral Mucous Membrane

The oral cavity is lined by a mucous membrane (the oral mucosa) consisting of a stratified squamous epithelium, which may or may not be keratinized, and an underlying connective tissue layer, the lamina propria.
July 9, 2021

MCQs on Tooth Development

1. Which of the following statement is correct? A. Enamel cannot form in absence of dentin B. The formation of enamel and dentin are independent of each other C. Enamel formation can occur in absence of dentin D. None of the above
July 9, 2021

Tooth Development

enamel organ: growth of dental lamina, 10 in maxilla and 10 in mandible arranged in the form of horse shoe shape Dental papilla : ectomesenchymal condensation below the enamel organ Dental sac or dental follicle: ectomesenchyme surrounding enamel organ and dental papilla
July 8, 2021

Primary and Permanent Dentition-MCQs

1. Primary dentition period is A. From birth to 11 years B. From 6 months to 11 years C. From 6 months to 6 years D. From 6 years to 11 years
July 8, 2021

Primary and Permanent Dentition

PRIMARY DENTITION Starts erupting at 6 months of age and upto 12 years PERMANENT DENTITION Starts erupting at 6 years of age and persists throughout the life
July 7, 2021

Cementum – MCQs

1. Which of the following is true of cellular cementum ? A. Seen at the coronal portion of the tooth B. Forms after the eruption of the tooth C. Forms during root formation D. Formation is a slow process
July 7, 2021


• Derived from dental follicle • Hard, Calcified, avascular mesenchymal tissue • Yellowish in color • Lighter and less harder than dentin • Permeable