Functional appliances are active or passive appliances which harness natural forces of the oro-facial musculature that are transmitted to the teeth and alveolar bone in a predetermined direction.
Functional appliances are conceptually based on Moss’ functional matrix theory.
Functional matrix theory proposes that functional matrices, tissues like muscles and glands influence skeletal units such as jaw bones and ultimately control their growth.
Examples of functional appliances include the Activator, Bionator, Twin Block and Herbst appliances.
Cevimeline is used to treat the symptoms of dry mouth in patients with Sjogren's syndrome (a condition that affects the immune system and causes dryness of certain parts of the body such as the eyes and mouth). Cevimeline is in a class of medications called cholinergic agonists. It works by increasing the amount of saliva in the mouth.
Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout the body. Diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in the legs and feet.
Depending on the affected nerves, diabetic neuropathy symptoms include pain and numbness in the legs, feet and hands. It can also cause problems with the digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and heart. Some people have mild symptoms. But for others, diabetic neuropathy can be quite painful and disabling.
With the use of a diagram, the authors described the “mouse hole effect” resulting from inadequate access cavity preparation, and the canal orifice is depicted as extending into the axial wall. Conversely, adequate access results in the canal orifice being completely on the pulp floor.
Ordinal Scale is defined as a variable measurement scale used to simply depict the order of variables and not the difference between each variable. These scales generally depict non-mathematical ideas such as frequency, satisfaction, happiness, a degree of pain, etc.
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