a) Between enamel and cementum
b) Found at dentinocemental junction
c) Apical third
d) Coronal third
The intermediate cementum is a layer of calcified tissue between the dentin and the cementum at the periphery of dental roots. The mineralization pattern of the intermediate cementum and the innermost layer of aprismatic enamel in the crowns has been shown to be very similar.
a) Type II collagen fibers
b) Oxytalan fibers
c) Elastic fibers
d) Type I collagen fibers
a) Dento gingival
b) Transeptal
c) Oblique
d) Horizontal
Oblique fibres are the most abundant fibre group in the PDL, extending from the cementum in a coronal direction obliquely to the alveolar bone. They resist vertical and intrusive forces, thus bear a large part of the vertical masticatory stresses and transfer them into tension on the alveolar bone
a) Edge to edge
b) Overlap
c) Enamel and centum do not meet
d) All the above
The cementoenamel junction (CEJ) can have different morphologies, known as Choquet cases or types
TYPE 1 | The cementum overlaps the enamel |
TYPE 2 | The enamel overlaps the cementum |
TYPE 3 | The relationship between the cementum and enamel is edge-toedge |
TYPE 4 | There is a gap between the enamel and the cementum, with exposed dentin |
a) Transseptal
b) Horizontal
c) Oblique
d) Apical
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