1. The bacteria detected in localized aggressive periodontitis are:
A. Borreliavincenti, medium size spirochetes.
B. Fusiformis, Tanerellaforsythus.
C. Actinobacillusactinomycetemcomitans, capnocytophaga Spp., Eikenellacorrodens, campylobacter rectus, prevotella intermedia.
D. Mycoplasma, capnocytophagasputigena, spirocheles.
Answer : C
2. 16 years boy, present clinically with attachment loss related to 1st Molars and Incisors only. Diagnosis of this case according to AAP 1999 periodontal Diseases Classification is:
A. Localized aggressive periodontitis.
B. Generalized aggressive periodontitis.
C. Generalized juvenile periodontitis.
D. Localized juvenile periodontitis.
Answer :A
Localised Aggressive Periodontitis
AGE OF ONSET | Circumpubertal |
DISTRIBUTION | Localized first molar/incisor presentation with interproximal attachment loss on at least two permanent teeth, one of which is a first molar, and involving not more than two teeth other than first molars and incisors. |
SEVERITY | Rapid and severe loss of alveolar bone |
AETIOLOGY | Predominantly A.actinomycetumcomitans |
IMMUNOLOGICAL RESPONSE | Robust serum antibody response to infecting agents |
PRESENCE OF LOCAL FACTORS | Amount of plaque on the affected tooth is minimal that is inconsistent with amount of periodontal destruction |
FAMILIAL PATTERN | Strong association |
GINGIVAL INFLAMMATION | lack of clinical inflammation despite the presence of deep periodontal pockets and advanced bone loss |
RADIOGRAPHIC APPEARANCE | Vertical bone loss affecting: first permanent molars & incisors, usually bilateral. “Arc-shape” loss of alveolar bone extending from the distal of the 2nd premolar to the mesial of the 2nd molar |
3. Localized aggressive periodontitis is best treated in early Stage by:
A. Tetracycline 250mg 4 times daily for fourteen days.
B. Tetracycline 250mg once daily for 7 days.
C. Tetracycline 250mg twice daily for 7 days.
D. Tetracycline 250mg 4 times daily for 3 days.
Answer : A
4. Localized aggressive periodontitis is characterized by the following except
A. Non contributory medical history
B. Rapid attachment loss
C. Pathologic migration
D. Familial aggregation of cases
5. The causes of bone destruction in aggressive periodontitis is
A. Phagocytosis are reduced
B. Reduced neutrophilic chemotaxis
C. Decreased host resistance
D. Highly virulent micro organism
Answer: B
6. Pre pubertal periodontitis occurs
A. Before 11 yrs
B. At 12-15 yrs
C. At 18 yrs of age
D. After 20 yrs
7.”mirror image” type of bone loss pattern is seen in
A. Localized juvenile periodontitis
B. Rapidly progressive periodontitis
C. Pre pubertal periodontitis
D. Adult periodontitis
8.Rapidly progressive periodontitis is seen usually at which age?
A. 6-10yrs
B. 10-20yrs
C. 30-40yrs
D. At any age
9.Which of the following periodontal diseases does not have calculus?
B. Chronic Adult periodontitis
C. juvenile periodontitis
D. periodontal abscess
Answer :C
10.First clinical signLocalized juvenile periodontitis
A. Tooth mobility
B. Gingival bleeding
C. Pathologic migration
D. Vertical bone loss along incisors and molars
Answer :C
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